What is a tumor?
A spinal tumor could be understood as a cancerous or noncancerous growth that develops in the cervical (neck), lumbosacral (low-back) or thoracic (mid-back) regions or near the spinal cord or bones of the spine. They may originate from the spinal cord or have metastatic origins from elsewhere (eg: lung, breast etc.). Tumor whether benign or malignant on the spine might need to be removed through an invasive surgery if prescribed by a doctor.
Why get operated?
A surgery is primarily conducted to help reduce or relieve persistent back or neck pain, balance problems, difficulty in walking, and bowel and bladder dysfunction all of which might occur as a result of the tumor growth.
How much would the procedure cost in India?
The spine tumor surgery cost in India would greatly depend on when and how the surgery is performed which in turn is affected by the following factors like –
- Level of the tumor whether it is benign or malignant.
- The size and its location on the spine.
- Tumor altering the spinal cord or doing nerve compression
- Spinal instability or vertebral fracture
- Dis-functioning in bowel and bladder
These factors in total would aid in the calculation of overall cost and complexity during the spinal surgery. However, there are some additional procedures too, which will decide the additional cost of the surgery.
Some of such additional procedures are-
- Decompression
- Combination
- Spinal Stabilization
- Kyphoplasty
- Vertebroplasty
- Radiosurgery
As it is seen that there are so many factors governing to-be-the-cost of the surgery, it is very tough to be ascertain about it. So, as you walk down to any hospital for the spine surgery, make sure you ask them a written documentation of overall cost.
Any medical organization specializing spine tumor removal surgery in India would provide a detailed documentation.
What would be the advantaged of minimally invasive surgery?
- Minimal invasion gives fast recovery and the person is soon able to get back to the normal life.
- As this is a minimal surgery, the patient has to spend a very less tine in the hospital. This, in turn, regulates the overall cost to be spent during the hospital stay.
- The best part of minimally invasive surgery is that the patient can go back to their home within 2 hours of the surgery. The surgery can be performed in outpatient surgery center too.
- This type of surgery gives minimal scars. There is no big incision done in the body.
- As this surgery involves a minimal incision, no soft tissues of the body are damaged. This way, there is no much blood loss.
- Last but not the least, as the surgery is minimally invasive, there is very less risk of infection.
So, with such benefits, the minimum invasive spine surgery is one of the favorable options nowadays.
However, the final tips say that while going through the surgery take medicine, medical supplies, Special medicine such as oral anti-diabetic drugs etc. only on the prescription given by the doctor.
Also, before going under the knife, make sure you have presented all your medical history to your physician.