Women entrepreneurs and leaders in business, finance and tech often under reported and unrecognized by the media. There are great women around America balancing entrepreneurship with life and motherhood and their stories will never be heard. There is a college student blogger who is trying to change that and her name is Ahyanah Mincy. Ahyanah Mincy is a 21 year old college student from Newark who is a business management student at Saint Peter’s University. She blogs for Mogul where she has gathered a pretty large following because of how she showcases women in business.


Ahyanah gives a platform for mom entrepreneurs, black women and overall interesting businesses where women are the leaders. Ahyanah writes for Mogul which is a platform for women to find jobs, share their stories and ask questions. Out of potentially hundreds of thousands of users Mogul only verifies around 5,000 according to their website. Ahyanah is a college student who blog’s have become so influential that she has earned a verified marker on her page. Ahyanah chose Mogul because it’s already an outlet for women to share their ideas.

Ahyanah’s articles on Mogul feature black women business owners, mom business owners, tips for general entrepreneurs and etc. Her blogs inspire the minds of her readers by simply telling the story of the women entrepreneurs. Many of these women and their companies would go unrecognized because the mainstream media still does not make business women a focus point of their journalism. When Ahyanah was asked why she uses her platform to blog about women, she says “As a black women in business I see that not only black women but women as a whole go under celebrated by the media. I have chosen to stand against that and put a spotlight on women entrepreneurs by blogging” – Ahyanah Mincy This young college student inspires women and has become really popular by asking business women she interviews to give advice.

This young mogul has continued to move the norms of journalism by included female leaders in business and entrepreneurship. To read Ahyanah’s excellent content go to www.ahyanahmincy.com