Diet has been evolving over time. This has been from the consumption of raw food by ancient man to the manufactured food today. Studies reveal that this trend has caused the various oral ailments we see today. There has been a decrease in the diversity of oral bacteria. Much of the manufactured foods we consume contain too much sugar. Oral bacteria break down these sugars to acid. Excess acid in the saliva dissolves calcium in the enamel, a process called demineralization. Any food that remains around the teeth area for long promotes demineralization.

Five ways the modern diet is destroying our teeth

The enamel is mostly destroyed when erosion of its calcium components take place. Saliva which is rich in calcium and phosphorous tries to reverse the process through remineralization. This is basically the restoration of the calcium component. When saliva is overwhelmed by the presence of too much sugars demineralization will take place. Examples of ways demineralization takes place

Consumption of too much hard candy

They not only have too much sugar but also take time to be dissolved. This gives bacteria time to convert the sugar into acids which corrodes the enamel. They should not be taken in large quantities.
Dried fruits

Dried fruits have high concentration of sugar than fresh fruits. They also stick on the enamels preventing saliva from neutralizing or even washing them away. An example is dates. When you have to take these fruits you should follow up by brushing your teeth. Chocolates and toffee also have the same effect.

Soft drinks

Sodas have carbon in them. In a chemical reaction carbon becomes carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is acidic and thus brings about demineralization. Sodas also have sugars which have the same effect. When taking a soda or any other soft drink use to use a straw. This reduces contact with the teeth.


Smoothies though may look healthy, are not to the teeth. They are acidic. Alkaline food like beetroot or spinach could be a good alternative. Swishing them before swallowing allows them more time around the teeth.

Alcohol affects the teeth by altering the production of saliva. It irritates salivary glands. The reduction of saliva therefore impairs remineralization.

Five foods for gum building

Foods which reverse demineralization are good for the gums and overall health of the teeth. Consumption of food rich in vitamins and proteins is good. Healthy teeth will be enhanced by the following ways and diet;

Good vegetable diet

Vegetables like spinach and carrots have high fibre content in them. This stimulates the production of saliva that boosts remineralization. The fibres also have a cleaning effect. Green leafy vegetables are also rich in calcium.

Consumption of clean water

Water has the same neutralizing effect as saliva. Mostly important is taking of fluoridated water. Fluoride is important for healthy teeth especially in infants. Carbonated water will still affect the teeth as any other carbonated drink.

Taking milk

Milk and all the milk products contain calcium which is important for remineralization. It also contains protein case in which keeps teeth free from cavities.

Sesame seeds

They whiten the teeth. They remove streptococcus bacteria which are harmful to the teeth and has calcium component in it.

Taking crunchy fruits

This includes apple fruits. They not only stimulate the production of saliva but also have a cleansing property.

Talking the best diet for your teeth is not enough. Regular brushing and flossing of the teeth is equally important. Oral health is paramount as part of our general health. Keep it in mind as your go for that Ehic renewalYour EHIC gets you state sponsored healthcare at a lower cost or in some cases for free.